Episode 15: The Driver’s Seat

Hello again readers, family and friends.  Today we review “The Driver’s Seat”.  Marcia’s attempt at getting her driver’s license first aired on January 11th, 1974.  This was the first sibling rivalry/battle of the sexes plot in a while.  It is fitting that the contest was between Greg and Marcia as it was the two oldest kids who fueled most of the plots involving gender roles.  It is a decent episode overall, but again not one that falls into my favorites or least favorites category.  Let us begin reviewing “The Driver’s Seat”!


The story opens with Alice coming down the stairs dusting with gusto.  She playfully flips her dusting rag along the handrail.  The cheery mood continues with Marcia arriving home with good news.  Wow, the later season’s episodes either started with one of the kids walking on air or way down in the dumps.  Marcia’s elation is the result of her passing the driver’s education course at school with the highest score.  When the good news is shared with Greg, he questions if Marcia’s high score even beat the scores attained by the guys in the class.  Here is where the episode’s conflict begins.  Greg believes all women drivers are inferior to male drivers.  Greg is so confident in this that he bets Marcia a month’s worth of chore doing that her score for the driver’s license test won’t beat his own.  This the first Brady bet I recall being waged in a while.


As we see Marcia and Mike cruise around the neighborhood, we get a good look at Mike’s car.  Of all his vehicles over the course of the series, this one is my least favorite.  That thing is huge!  If Marcia learned to drive behind the wheel of this boat, she is ready to drive anything!  One would almost expect to see a pair of steer horns mounted on the front of the car.


Upstairs the b-plot begins with Peter working on a model airplane.  Needing to clean his hands he seeks entry into the bathroom.  Jan currently occupies it and is very confrontational about allowing Peter access.  Here we learn the reason for this is that Jan has joined her school’s debate team and she is practicing confrontation.  She gives it another go with Bobby and Cindy who are playing checkers.  Jan suggests Bobby cheated to rankle his ire and defense in practice of another debate tactic.  A funny exchange occurs as Bobby calls Jan weird and then Cindy agrees with him.  After the two youngest exit the room, Jan confirms their assessment of her by debating with Cindy’s doll.  Is Jan wearing pajamas, a robe or a dress in this scene?


For the first time in a while, we see the Brady kids all leaving for school at the same time while Alice and Carol hand out lunches.  Jan’s first debate is that day and she walks out the front door oozing with confidence.  In a well done scene transition she returns through the same dejected.  All her debate practice failed to do her any good that day at school.  She blew it and lost the debate for her team.  She states she has never been so humiliated her entire life.  I guess she has finally lived down her embarrassment as the new brunette version of Jan Brady.

Just for the heck of it, here is a really nice shot of Eve and Maureen.

The main plot continues with Greg continuing to be a donkey’s rear.  His chauvinistic comments about female drivers continue.  It would seem some of Peter’s ways were passed up to Greg for this episode.  So confident is he in the superiority of male driving ability that he ups the ante and extends he and Marcia’s bet to six months of chore servitude.


Upstairs, encouragement comes from a sibling instead of Mike and Carol.  Marcia consoles Jan on her dismal debate performance.  She gives some great advice in that since Jan knows what to expect going forward, she is past the problem.  It was nice to see a sisterly bond in action in this scene.


The next day, Mike gives Jan some further encouragement and advice.  He suggests that Jan just imagine the audience in their underwear.  He says the psychology is that nobody can be frightening in their underwear.  Alice cracks a joke suggesting that should she be seen in her unmentionables, it would be frightening.  Mike’s advice here is good for those with a fear of speaking or presenting in front of others.  Another tactic of my own is to imagine the other person or persons in clown makeup.  If you have a fear of clowns, which seems to be in vogue these days, this will not work for you.


At her driving test that afternoon, Marcia seems to begin on the most confident of footing.  When the examiner enters the car, she instructs him to buckle his seatbelt before the test will begin.  From here, the confident ground Marcia stands on gives way to a sinkhole and Marcia bombs her test miserably.  For some reason, she suddenly thinks instruments on the dash (the radio, wipers, convertible switch) are essential to driving the car.  She fiddles with them as she has her meltdown.


Mike drives he and Marcia home.  Bobby and Cindy eagerly approach expecting good news about the test.  A funny exchange occurs as Mike states Marcia did what a lot of new drivers have done.  Bobby asks if she got a ticket.  Inside, Greg cracks another joke about female drivers.  Marcia explodes in anger at his remark.


Jan’s day went much better than Marcia’s.  She arrives home a victorious debater.  The underwear strategy Mike shared served her well.  Upstairs, the sisterly consolation plays out again, but in reverse.  Jan encourages Marcia this time.  Marcia says the situation is much worse for herself as the bad thing happened to her.  The talk from Jan works and Marcia is ready to take the test again.


Marcia is so ready that she ups the ante yet again with Greg.  Now the chores servitude will be for a year!  Maybe Greg agreed because he knew that in less than a year’s time (and maybe even six months) he would be off to college and no longer around to do his sister’s chores.


The second time Marcia takes her test, she is successful.  At first it would seem that she is about to repeat her earlier folly.  However, she remembers her father’s sage advice about mentally undressing others and it serves her well.  She looks over to see the examiner in boxers and an undershirt and begins laughing uncontrollably.  The examiner is understandably confused.  I will say that having the examiner’s badge pinned to his undershirt was a nice touch for the scene.


The driver’s license examiner was played by Herb Vigran.  He played the haggard clerk at the Checker Stamp Trading store in season one.  With the end of his employment with the trading stamp company, he must have gotten a job administering driver’s license tests.


Upon passing her test, it is found that she and Greg tied scores when both their written and driver’s tests scores were combined.  Instead of discouraging the outrageous year long bet, Mike suggests the siblings go head to head in a driving competition.  Really Mike?  Maybe Marcia mentioned the examiner used to work at the trading stamp store and this jogged Mike’s memory to the time the kids challenged each other in building a house of cards.  He must have thought to himself, “The kids learned a valuable lesson about stress and competition that day, let’s revisit that.”


The next shot  has the family on location at a construction site setting up cones for Greg and Marcia to navigate.  They wasted no time arranging the test as it appears to be the same day since Mike, Greg and Marcia have on the same clothes they did in the last scene.  The final test will be to see who can get nearest to the last cone, or pylon, without breaking the egg sitting atop it.  If anybody actually thought Greg lostwould win this contest, they obviously had not ever watched an episode of the show before.  Anytime the boys touted male superiority, they were destined to be defeated.  As Greg overthinks the last few feet of the driving test, he hits the gas pedal of the car too hard and breaks the egg.  Marcia does offer him an out for their bet, but he declines saying he will honor it.

The epilogue has Bobby and Cindy challenging each other as the better bike rider.  They ask Peter to judge their ability.  Peter encourages Bobby to rethink this as we see Greg inside ironing clothes.  At the thought of suffering the same fate, Bobby declines to match his bike riding skills against his sister’s.


Thank you for joining me today to review “The Driver’s Seat”.  It is a fun episode that follows the Brady sibling rivalry/ battle of the sexes formula that had served the show well for the past four seasons.  With the exception of Peter who had only a few small scenes, the story involved all the Brady kids in some fashion.  Next week we will review an episode that was probably fun when we saw it as children, but not so much as adults. “Out Of This World” is one of those Brady stories that really stretches credibility, but we will have fun reviewing it!  See you next week!



Author: bradybunchreviewed

I am a lifelong fan of the Brady Bunch. I love it for it's wholesomeness, it's absurdity and how it serves as a time capsule for a time that really never existed, but so many of us wish it did. The show was off the air by the time I was born, but I enjoyed it daily at 4:35 PM for years on Atlanta's Superstation 17, TBS. Through the years I've enjoyed the Brady Bunch spinoffs (however short lived), revivals in pop culture, books, reunions, movies and spoofs. Now, I am excited to be revisiting the show after nearly a decade's hiatus from viewing. I am a parent now, so there may be some new perspectives never before experienced. I hope my fellow fans, lovers and haters alike of the Brady Bunch will join me on this blogging adventure and share your own thoughts and observations.

60 thoughts on “Episode 15: The Driver’s Seat”

  1. I’ve never seen the part where Jan is practicing confrontation with Peter, and then with Bobby and Cindy. That one must be frequently cut in syndication. I haven’t seen this episode on on You Tube.

    Alice’s line about fixing Marcia a tray for dinner and possibly having to make one for Jan as well (before we learn the results of Jan’s debate) and moving the dining-room table to the girls’ room is one line that I found funny in this one.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Great review!

    I’ve always enjoyed this episode.  I haven’t checked the episode list lately, but I know we’re running out of good episodes!

    1)     Alice comes down the steps dragging the dust cloth back and forth between the two rails. She gets to the bottom of the steps and suddenly there’s newspapers strewn all over the floor…and Carol’s right there in the living room. Who the heck is dropping newspapers all over the place??

    2)     Jan trying to debate everybody is annoying. It would be even more annoying if she wasn’t so darn pretty.

    3)     I also wondered how in the world Jan got on the debating team?

    4)     After Mike defends Carol and Marcia’s driving to Greg, Greg’s line about marriage taking all the nerve out of a guy is a REALLY good line… and it looks like they all had a good time with it

    5)     After Jan lost a debate she said she’s never been that humiliated in her whole life..well I’m not so sure about that… lol I thought about the “Real Jan Brady” wig too!

    6)     Greg says every driver should know all the parts of a car…that’s just stupid!

    7)     Marcia tells Jan that she just needs to psych herself up for her next debate and that will solve the problem. Problem is, Jan WAS psyched up for her first debate when she left the house that morning…she said she’ll clobber her opponent.  So what good is psyching herself up doing?

    8)     Jan gets her butt kicked in a debate one day, and literally the next day she’s got another debate? What kind of a debate team is this? Don’t they give the kids any time to prepare?

    9)       I wonder if anybody has ever folded on a driving test away Marcia did?

    10)   Interesting to point out that Herb Vigran was the Checker Stamps store clerk in the “House of Cards” episode (54/40 and Fight).  Here he is in another “betting” episode… too bad he wasn’t in “The Big Bet”… he could have played the ticket taker at the drive in movie…

    11)   LOL Mike telling Bobby that Marica did “what a lot of other drivers have done”, and Bobby says “oh you mean she already got a ticket?” … that was good

    12)   I liked when Marcia told Jan that “my situation is worse…because it happened to ME!!”  But don’t we ALL think that way at some point?

    13)   Did anyone notice that when Marcia pulls the car up to the final pylon, she didn’t stop the car…they stopped the film!

    14)   I liked Carol’s line about somebody owing her an egg. Boy, the way she looked at Greg after that kind of made it look like there’s something going on there lol.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I recall a scene early in the episode where Greg is talking on the phone, putting down female drivers, with a friend of his. I don’t recall seeing the scene until I saw this episode on Me-TV, so it was probably cut from TV Land & syndication.

    There’s a neat closeup of Marcia’s new driver’s license when she holds it in the living room after she passed the driving test. Among the facts I could see in freeze-frame were that Marcia was born August 5, 1956 (same date as Maureen McCormick, of course), she was 5′ tall exactly & weighed 96 pounds (good for her!), and her family still lived at that vague address 4222 Clinton Way, City. I guess in the Bradys’ world drivers licenses were issued by cities rather than states.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. It was a nice touch that the producers included Maureen’s real birthday on the temporary driver’s license, however one thing does not make a lot of sense. Marcia is 17 as stated on same license. But she very likely would have gone for her license near her birthday at age 16 in California…or August of 1972. And it is nowhere near August 1972 in Brady land..it is most likely January of 1974. Perhaps this is another example of an emergency script that was used that may have been written long before and was previously rejected, as another poster pointed out for the last episode.

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    2. Jon, when I froze the license image, Marcia was 5′ 3″, and Maureen seemed to have stopped growing, after that!
      It was issued on January 15, 1974, four days after the episode’s air date (neat trick, that).

      They must have had temps in January back then, as warm as our January here in the NJ of 2020. Greg, Peter and Alice are the only ones wearing any kind of coats/jackets.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. The Women Drivers trope: I don’t know how long it plagued (and continues to plague) society but I find it odd since women are entrusted to drive kids to school and activities and playdates a lot…
    I am surprised Carol and Alice didn’t tell off Greg for his comments: they drive. I’m sure even the most conservative woman would be sleeved to hear her son/son figure thinks he is superior to her.
    Jan wore a nice outfit to her first debate though not one that I think would be recommended if you want to be taken seriously, but very professional. The green outfit is nice too.
    Maureen looks good in taupe and neutral colors, doesn’t she?
    Barry Williams cracked in his book that the driver’s instructor might have pictured Marcia in her underwear.
    Honestly most middle aged folks would wish they were as physically fit as Alice or even half.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Toongrrl,
      Perhaps Mr. Viagara, *oops* I mean Mr. Vigran, was picturing Marcia in her underwear, explaining why his clipboard was so *ahem* “strategically positioned”, in his later scene.

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  5. For those of you watching tv right now, you can watch Herb Vigran on Me-TV on a TAGS episode as a bookie who poses as a barber who decides Floyd’s Barber Shop is a nice place to hide out from the cops. He was great at playing small-time crooks, from what I’ve read, and he’s fun here too.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Vigran had a LONG career in Hollywood, his IMDB page lists a lot of classic shows and movies that he was in. He did a number of cartoon voice parts as well, including some “Flintstones” episodes.

      Liked by 3 people

  6. Couple of other things:

    lol, that’s a great question as to what Jan is wearing in that scene with Peter in the bathroom and with Bobby & Cindy playing checkers… watching this episode over the years, I’d always assumed it was some kind of a robe… but you’re right, it could be anything… a robe, pajamas, or a dress. Now, I have no idea…none of the other kids are in their robes or pajamas, making me think it’s still daytime. If I was a betting man, I guess i’d go with a robe, but it’s just a guess.

    And wow, that pic of Eve and Maureen… just stunning! Two sisters like those two would be legends in any neighborhood. Just gorgeous.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. 1) BBR’s comments about driver trainer guy’s link to Checker Stamps guy had me laughing out loud.
    2) Isn’t Peter a bit too old to be playing with model airplanes? He was also playing with a model airplane in the episode where Bobby made him a slave for saving Bobby’s life.
    3) It was especially nice to see the great scenes between Eve Plumb and Maureen McCormick, as another poster pointed out, especially since now the two actresses refuse to speak to each other.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks Marty! More than once we saw The Brady Kids engaged in behavior that seemed below their years. I guess Peter’s was playing with a plane. Maybe it was one he assembled. Some people enjoy model kits even into adulthood. The few times I’ve visited the model aisle at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby, it has been other adults perusing the kits, not young people.

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    2. Re: Peter being too old for model planes… maybe he really, really liked planes… didn’t Peter end up in the Air Force for a time?

      on the other hand, we see no evidence of any model plane collection in Peter’s room. So how often did he really do this?

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  8. I’ll always remember Herb Vigran and that voice of his for his portrayal of criminals in the ’50s The Adventures of Superman, starring George Reeves. I would have liked to see him pop up on the ’60s Batman, since they featured other actors that played heavies in Metropolis; Richard Reeves, Dan Seymore and Ben Weldon.

    Even with the familiar themes, I don’t get tired of watching “The Driver’s Seat”. Many of my youthful Brady Bunch viewing memories come from the weekday syndicated reruns, rather than the ABC broadcasts. Every time I saw this episode, it ended with a trailer for “Out Of This World” featuring Florence Henderson and the Kaplutians! It’s too bad the DVDs didn’t include things that, or commercials for the show. And the episode to follow featured a trailer for the coming of Cousin Oliver.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Yes, I was very disappointed to find no extras on any DVD sets, especially when I read that Barry, Chris & Susan recorded commentaries for Season 2 & 3 episodes. I was so miffed to read about it that I cancelled my Amazon order of Season 2 and didn’t buy it until a few years later at a much lower price. I don’t remember having any other Brady DVD sets until a friend gave me the Season 4 set for a Christmas present.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Sorry I should’ve specified any LATER Brady DVD sets. Season 1 had some good extras, not a lot, but enough to make it worth the purchase. I don’t know why Paramount dumped its commentary recordings for Seasons 2 & 3, especially since it had already presumably paid Barry, Chris & Susan to make them.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. My library dvd of Season One did read on the back that there were commentary by some of the actors (it didn’t say for which eps), and I never came across any of them before I had to return the dvds. 😦


  9. Another thing: Marcia says that when she gets her license, she’ll be able to drive Jan to school. Yeah, how was she going to do that? Mike needed one of the cars for work and Carol the other for going to the store or taking Alice anywhere since Alice didn’t drive. If Mike and Carol couldn’t afford to buy Greg a car, would they be able to get one for Marcia? And Carol freaked out about Greg possibly owing a car–wouldn’t she do the same for Marcia? Also, we almost never see Marcia driving much after this episode. It’s mentioned in the pool table episode that she and Jan keep getting sent to the store when the guest list keeps growing and Carol needs more food, and later in that episode when she’s taking the younger kids to the movies. We don’t see her driving, though.

    Liked by 5 people

  10. Great comments by the bunch here …(See what I did there?). Like most people, I most associate Herb Vigran with Superman villains., though I enjoyed seeing him in many comedies and dramas through the decades. Ironically, he played a judge in a number of different shows, too.

    Unlike some other episodes, this one shows the Brady Kids as they naturally aged, rather than as they used to be (like Shirley Temple). There were other such last season episodes, such as “Peter and the Wolf.” An interesting point was made about the close-up of Marcia’s license. By today’s standards, the director would have taken care to ensure that the info on the license matched Marcia’s younger age, rather than Maureen’s older age. But in those days no one thought that people Decades later would be able to freeze-frame and zoom in their own personal copy.

    I, too, always noticed Carol’s expression when mentioning the egg. As for memories of the show, for three years the show was rerun by ABC at 11:30AM Eastern time weekdays. In the sixties and seventies, it was common practice for a network to include reruns of popular shows on their weekday schedule, before and after game shows and soaps. Sometimes the show was still running in network prime time, and others were already off the air. When the show left the daytime schedule, it would enter syndication. TBB joined ABC daytime in 1972, around the same time that The Brady Kids appeared on Saturday morning. From a network perspective, this was the height of popularity for the show. It’s also when the kids were making musical appearances outside the show (due to Partridge Family influence). The daytime run continued for almost a year after the show had left the evening schedule. In 1975 it was replaced by Happy Days in the 11:30 slot, as that show was enormously popular with less than two full seasons under its belt. TBB went immediately to syndication at that point, while HD remained solid in that slot until almost the end of the decade, when it was replaced by Laverne and Shirley. The advent of midday local news helped kill midday network reruns, as did daytime talk shows. As we entered the eighties, such network reruns faded, especially as TBS and other cable channels entered the fray. In New York, WNEW channel five picked up TBB.

    Liked by 8 people

    1. I do remember seeing “Hawaii Bound” once during the time slot you mentioned on ABC. Also, during it’s original run, NBC would show Sanford and Son from Monday to Friday in the morning, and then in prime time on both Wednesday and Friday nights.

      Oh yes, Herb Vigran even played a judge on The Mothers-In-Law, another syndicated favorite in my DVD library. And the yellow cat in the Brady’s family room was also in the Buell’s bedroom!

      Liked by 3 people

    2. I was always annoyed that our ABC affiliate never showed the daytime “Brady” reruns, leaving an independent station on the fuzzier UHF band to clear them (this same independent picked up the show in syndication in 1975).

      ABC actually removed the show from its daytime schedule in early 1975, but then brought it back for the summer, where it got much higher ratings than the show that replaced it. ABC likely would have kept the show on longer on its daytime schedule, but it was already sold into syndication for the fall of 1975, so that wasn’t an option.

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  11. Why is Greg wearing an insulated jacket during the road test, while the other kids have no jackets? Weird. The family usually seems overdressed, given that they’re in LA. In fact I don’t recall anyone ever wearing shorts.

    Great shot of Jan and Marcia. Man, what babes! All the Brady kids remained attractive over a five year period, quite remarkable. On most sitcoms at least one of the kids (more often a boy) gets homely over the years.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Richard, I thought it too odd that Greg had the fur collar coat, Peter the regular coat, Alice a light jacket and the rest wore no additional clothing.
      Where was Jan’s robe/jacket??!

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  12. I’m guessing Marcia was drawing on her own Debate Team experience when she provided her “psyching yourself up” advice to Jan; after all, her Debating Team plaque was one of the disappearing trophies and awards when Jan had her “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” hissy fit.

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  13. I learned to drive in a land boat like that, a 1976 Chevy Caprice. The car in this episode appears to be an early 70s caprice or impala.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. I liked this episode and I bet Maureen really liked driving with Robert in the passenger seat since she had stated in her book she really adored Robert.

    I do think this was a better episodes for this season.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Needing some comfort tv, I decided to watch this episode, not recalling any of it until seeing the driving instructor in his underclothes.

    The first thing I noticed was Carol left all the newspaper for Alice to pick up!
    Next, when Marcia enters, the outside shown beyond the Brady front door, looks like beams, dark and as if they lived on a condemned street. When Jan leaves/comes back from the debate, there’s suddenly all these lush trees and a bright house, across the way. You can see it in that great screen grab that our reviewer, Mike, provides us; I’m telling you – that is not what was outside the door, in Marcia’s scene! Being winter, I’ll giv’em that it was twilight when Marcia came in, but it looked completely different, otherwise.
    When Carol consoles Jan, the area behind Jan is a section of the front room I don’t believe I’ve seen, before: what looks like a brown wood backing of (I’m guessing) a chair, and a painting. Was this over the tv area?

    Greg comments that Marcia would make the prettiest trash collector, does sound like a Peter line but, then Greg mentions Lucille Ball. Was that a nod to the association between BB and Lucy’s Desilu?

    When Peter is kept out of the bathroom by Jan, you can see the shower curtain in the background (lacking in the first few seasons).

    I never noticed a chain lock on the front door, before; heck, for that matter, I’ve never noticed any locks until the Brady ChrX movie.

    Cindy and Bobby both sporting braces; Mike better put in some overtime.

    Lastly, a true Marcia-ism: “My situation is worse … because it happened to ME!”

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Was Carol really wearing a robe during part of the episode? I think we saw that last at the end of season 1 or 2. What’s up with that?

    With the exception of Kelly’s Kids that aired before this one, I think this is the last good episode that aired from the Bunch. There are some scenes I liked in the episodes but not much.

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  17. While I don’t believe women as a whole are bad drivers I have to admit that some of Greg’s cracks about them made me laugh. Especially when Alice says that she’s middle of the road in the arguement between Greg and Marcia and he says:”Incidentally that’s where you’ll find most women drivers. In the middle of the road blocking traffic.” Such a spot-on portrayal of male chauvinistic arrogance.

    While re-watching the whole series recently I’ve noticed something about Bobby: He sure likes to place his hands on his hips a lot when he’s just standing around. He does it a few times in this episode too. Must have been a personal preference of Mike Lookinland. It would be an odd thing for the writers to add in a hand-placement preference for a character.

    Interesting to see a brief appearance of Kitty Karry-All again in this episode. Cindy seems to be way past the age of still having a doll although perhaps she’s hanging on to Kitty for sentimental reasons. Heck, I still have my teddy bear from when I was a kid. Even though he’s in pretty rough shape I just can’t bring myself to part with him.

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  18. I couldn’t understand why Marcia didn’t get her license the season before, like after they got back from Hawaii. If she was a year younger than Greg, she should’ve gotten hers a year after he did. In fact, when he did receive his license in season 3 “The Wheeler Dealer”, Carol said Marcia only needed a year wait to get hers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Jimihaze68,
      Perhaps Marcia, being Marcia, just got caught up in dates and, guys took her wherever she wanted to go. Before she knew it, a year had passed.
      I can see her being told, “Marcia, isn’t it time you thought about getting a license?”
      “Oh, yeah; you’re right!” Then, she quickly got distracted by the latest Davy Jones record or newest quarterback hunk or what have you.

      I’m sure Mike wasn’t in any hurry to pay for another teen to have auto insurance, and was okay with Marcia dragging her platform heels on this matter.

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  19. I still remember my first impression of this episode when I was about 12 or 13. In my childhood, I went through the usual “girls are icky” phase (while at the same time developing a crush on Jan!), and, of course, being the Seventies, there were still a few female-driver jokes going around, so part of me bought into the myth. Halfway through the episode, I could see where it was going and knew Marcia would be triumphant. When Marcia wins the contest, I said to myself, “So they did a science fiction episode!” But then admitted to myself that Greg got what he deserved. Of course, I’ve matured a lot since then (and the “girls are icky” phase didn’t last much longer at that age!), and now I have to admit that this is a pretty good episode.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Here are ten things I liked about this episode:

    1. Marcia gets her driver’s license.
    2. “First, I psyched myself up like Marcia said, and then your idea really worked, Dad. When I imagined the audience and all the teachers in their underwear, I could hardly keep from laughing. You should see my principal in boxer shorts.” – Jan
    3. “Marriage really takes a nerve out of a guy.” – Greg
    4. We get a montage of Marcia driving.
    5. “There’s nothing humorous about prejudice.” – Marcia
    6. Jan joins the Debate Team.
    7. “I don’t know how to build a clock and I can tell time.” – Marcia
    8. “You’re funnier than Lucille Ball.” – Greg
    9. Marcia fantasizing her driving instructor in a tank top.
    10. Marcia’s license plate reads “TEL 635”

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  21. This is one of the best episodes of the season, even though it’s sandwiched in between two real clunker episodes. Season 5 still had some of the best episodes of the series including this one, the Joe Nammath episode, Getting Greg’s goat, and Peter & the wolf.

    Liked by 4 people

  22. I only have one thing to add.

    What if Marcia had knocked the egg over on her attempt? Assuming Greg safely navigated the obstacles, as he did, he could have stopped 50 feet from the egg and still won.

    Although it ultimately did Greg no good, I still suggest there was an unfair advantage to the contestant going second.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When I was a kid at day camp, they gave medals for certain athletic feats. First place was a gold colored medal that went around your neck. Second and third were silver and bronzed colored that pinned to your shirt. I intentionally didn’t win first because I liked the other medals more.

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  23. This was a very fun episode to watch and brought back memories of me receiving my driver’s license in the Summer of 2011.

    1. Kudos to Marcia for getting the highest score in her Driver’s Ed class!

    2. Why couldn’t Greg just accept the fact that some women happen to be better drivers compared to men?

    3. I think it’s wonderful that Jan joined the Debate Team. A few episodes ago, she claimed that she has no talent for anything at all. Positive reinforcement.

    4. Did Bobby really have to accuse Jan of being weird? Sure, she might be different from the rest of the Brady children, but Bobby could’ve accused Jan of occupying the Jack-and-Jill bathroom and not letting Peter use it.

    5. I think Jan is wearing pajamas during the scene with Bobby and Cindy.

    6. Jan shouldn’t blame herself for losing the debate. I don’t think she’s ever participated in a school debate before, and she froze just like Cindy did on “You Can’t Win Them All.”

    7. Greg was really unlikable in this episode by insisting that men are better drivers than women. There’s no statistical evidence on which gender has better drivers and being a good driver requires a lot of time, practice and learning. Marcia probably spent countless hours knowing how to drive and studying for the exam real hard to receive the highest score in her driver’s ed class.

    8. Marcia made a very good point while mentioning that she has no idea how a clock works but can tell time. Certain driving schools require that drivers know all the parts of a car, while others focus more on automobile safety, knowing how to properly stop at an intersection, utilizing your turn signals, and adopting the IPDE method.

    9. Mike makes an even better point by saying that a nervous Jan should overcome her second debate by imagining the audience in their underwear. Reimagining the audience naked is another good confidence booster.

    10. Even though it’s well-established that Marcia is a very good driver, the scenes of her taking her driver’s test show that she’s incredibly nervous and froze just like Jan did earlier in this episode.

    11. Speaking of that scene, Jan comes home and tells Mike and Carol that the underwear strategy truly worked and her team won the debate! While things went great for Jan, things didn’t go well for Marcia! It’s only fitting that Jan would approach Marcia in their bedroom and explain to her that she was able to clobber her opponent by imagining the audience in their underwear. Jan gives Marcia this confidence booster and she is ready to retake her driving test.

    12. I can only surmise that Greg agreed to doing Marcia’s chores for a whole year because he will be off to college soon and Greg will let Marcia have the attic.

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  24. After losing his chin-up bet with Bobby, Greg should have been leary of making another beat at servatude.

    To be fair, Greg won when Marcia had a meltdown at her test, but he gave her another chance. The beat should have been double or nothing though, meaning if he won, Marica would have to do a year’s worth of chores instead of six and if Greg lost, she would not have to do them at all…. not Greg having to do hers.

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  25. Mike was very trusting of Greg as he was standing directly in front of the car. Also, I always thought the sound of the horn honking as Greg hit the cone was strange.

    IMHO, the egg was unnecessary. They were all standing close and ended up measuring anyways. I guess they could have both ended up tapping the cone, but at that point, just call it another draw.

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